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Scripture Review - OT - Ruth and 1 Samuel

This week's Come Follow Me Primary lesson focuses on the book of Ruth and the first part of 1 Samuel. We left off in last week's lesson with the Israelites being governed by a series of Judges who were less than ideal leaders. The chapters in this week's lesson strike a more positive theme.

  • Ruth 1: Following on from the period of Judges, a famine causes Elimelech to leave Bethlehem with his wife Naomi and sons Mahlon and Chilon, and move to Moab. Elimelech dies, and the sons marry Orpah and Ruth respectively. The sons later die, and Naomi is left with her two daughters-in-law. Ruth stays close to Naomi, and the two return to Bethlehem.

  • Ruth 2: Ruth takes to gleaning (collecting left over grain following the harvesting) in the field of a rich man named Boaz. Boaz becomes protective of her, and helps her to collect larger quantities of barley and wheat.

  • Ruth 3: Naomi instructs Ruth to lay at Boaz's feet. She does so in the middle of the night, and a surprised Boaz promises to look after her.

  • Ruth 4: Boaz tries to find a husband for Ruth but fails, and decides to wed her himself. They have a child, Obed.

  • 1 Samuel 1: Elkanah has two wives, Hannah and Penninah. Every year, Elkanah goes to Shiloh to offer a sacrifice to Heavenly Father. Hannah can't bear children, and she prays to Heavenly Father to help her with this. The priest at Shiloh, Eli, thinks she's drunk because she prays silently whilst moving her lips, but upon realising she's serious, he blesses her and sends her home. Hannah goes on to bear a son, Samuel, whom she lends to the Lord.

  • 1 Samuel 2: Hannah sings the Lord's praises, and Samuel tends to Eli the priest. Eli and his sons incur Heavenly Father's displeasure due to the way they conduct themselves. Hannah goes on to have three sons and two daughters.

  • 1 Samuel 3: Heavenly Father calls Samuel in his sleep. Each time, Samuel thinks that it's Eli calling him, and but Eli recognises it's the Lord, and tells Samuel to reply directly the next time to say he's listening. Heavenly Father tells Samuel that he will act against the house of Eli. Samuel relates this to Eli. He goes on to be recognised in Israel as a prophet.

In my next post, we'll start to think of ways in which we can teach these scriptures.

Understanding the scriptures for this weekend's Primary lesson. Photo by Nils Stahl on Unsplash


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