Welcome to "Scriptures through Science". This is a site where I'll post my thoughts and plans for teaching LDS lessons from the Come Follow Me primary manual to my children. The CFM manual focuses on teaching LDS scriptures and gospel principles, and my lessons look to do this through a scientific perspective. The aims of this site are to:
- Describe my attempts to teach kids about gospel principles and scriptures, using science as a way to engage them.
- Provide teachers (which can be other primary teachers or parents) with free resources to teach these lessons.
About Me
I'm Bobby, and I'm a dad of three primary-aged kids (nicknamed A1, A2 and A3, who are aged 8, 6 and 3 respectively), and a biomedical research scientist. I've also been a primary teacher in my local LDS branch for the last 3 years. For the last year, I've been teaching primary lessons remotely through Zoom, due to the closure of places of worship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have to admit that my knowledge about the key principles of the LDS faith is somewhat sketchy, having been picking it up in bits and pieces over the last few years. When I started teaching primary age children about scriptural and gospel principles, I found that I was able to do so more comfortably if I could first relate them to scientific principles, most often through analogy. Now that I've been doing this for a few years, I thought I would set up this site as a way to help others people who are preparing similar lessons and are looking for inspiration. The Come Follow Me manual provides great tips on how to teach lessons, but I'd like to use this site to advocate for a slightly different perspective, one which encourages teachers to leverage their personal and professional experiences to enrich the teaching. It doesn't have to be through science, but I've personally found that gospel/scripture-related subjects are often easier to teach when they fire up curiosity in children, and for me, it's been easier to ignite that curiosity instinct through science.
Some Notes About the Site
I won't ever identify any children on the site, either through name or photos. Their safety is paramount. I will also as a general rule not identify any adults by their full name, however I may make an exception if anyone gives me explicit permission to do so (e.g. to accredit any collaborations with other people over future blog posts or teaching materials).
The content on this blog is under a Creative Commons 4.0 license, which means that anyone is welcome to share and adapt the content of this blog for their own purposes. All content posted is my own, except where clearly indicated through attributions (and I will keep the use of third party content to an absolute minimum).
I won't put ads on this site, and I'll keep tracking down to a bare minimum (basically the lowest level of built-in logging in the Blogger platform). I want to keep this site as user-friendly as I can (whilst bearing in mind that I have little free time to spend on it, in between work / parenting / teaching), but if you have any suggestions on how to improve it, please let me know.
Quick hi!