For the time being, I'm going to switch formats for future lesson plans, and post my thoughts and plans on Twitter instead. Twitter's terseness makes it much quicker to write, which is ideal as I don't often have time to write the more expansive blog posts. (It's also perhaps a bit more readable too, for anyone with a cursory interest but who doesn't have time to digest the lengthier posts here.) At some point I'll come back and revisit this, with a view to having detailed lesson plans and explanations for as much of the scriptures as I can. In the meantime, you can find me over at .
Last weekend I taught a class on David and Goliath from 1 Samuel. We talked about how potential energy gets converted into usable energy, and we tried to couple potential energy from a raised marble to do something interesting with the help of a paper rollercoaster. We started off trying to make a loop-the-loop, which I was able to get working with my kids the evening before. However the supplies I had in the class included stiff card, which turned out not to be well suited for this, since the rollercoaster only works if it's smooth, whereas the card was prone to having sharp bends and kinks in it. We quickly readjusted the plan to make a simpler rollercoaster with a dip and a raise, with the raised part passing through the head of this picture of Hulk Goliath . The initial version didn't work because the starting point of the marble wasn't high enough. However, the kids had been inspired by singing "Scripture Power" during singing time earlier, and we put th...